Starting An HVAC Career & HVAC Career BenefitsTampa, FL, North Port, FL, Town 'n' Country, FL, Port Charlotte, FL, Punta Gorda, FL & Englewood, FL

Do you have a child or grandchild getting ready to graduate high school? Maybe you are looking to learn a new trade. Whatever your reason to look for a new career path, let’s illuminate a few of the fantastic benefits of a career in HVAC-R or (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration).

1) The first question many will ask is, “Will I get paid well”? Absolutely. The median base salary for HVAC-R technicians is $46,460 according to data from; and the highest 10 percent of earners in the HVAC-R technician profession made upward of $71,163 annually. That’s certainly enough to pay the bills, and with the demand for trade jobs in today’s market, that median salary in increasing annually. There is also opportunity to work overtime as an on-call for emergency service, or cross-training into larger-scale commercial HVAC projects.

2) Another great benefit is your ability to take your trade with you anywhere that A/C is available. This specifically applies to nearly every corner of the United States. Although some parts of the country are in higher demand than others, it should be fairly easy to find a job with a skillset in HVAC. Emerson Climate Technologies conducted a study in which it concluded that the best states for HVAC-R technicians to work in are California, Ohio, Florida, Texas and Illinois.

3) Lastly, and perhaps the least considered perk of the HVAC trade, is that utilizing these skills truly helps other improve their quality of life. Imagine shaking a dusty rug and then trying to breathe that air. For some, that is the reality of the air quality in their home. Educating homeowners about air filter replacement, cleaning the unit, and installing germicidal blue lights are all ways to help homeowners live healthier lives. In many cases, new A/C systems can also help homeowners save money on their energy bill.

Whether you are looking to earn some more cash, take your trade on the road, or help improve the living conditions for others, a career in the HVAC field is a career to be proud of. Total Air Solutions is always accepting applications for technicians; call our office at 941-426-1770 to learn more.

Total Air Solutions, October 3, 2022

Author: Lauren Marshall, Marketing Manager

HVAC Career BenefitsStarting An HVAC Career ∴ Tampa, FL ∴ Punta Gorda, FL ∴ North Port, FL